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by Apricot3
12 Feb 2025 17:39
Forum: Skins
Topic: Told that Java is not found when trying to launch skin editor
Replies: 3
Views: 4271

Re: Told that Java is not found when trying to launch skin editor

Might be the same problem as this one: I had a look but it's just saying to update VLC, and this post was 3 years ago (I still keep thinking it's 2024 now). I'm using the latest version of VLC. For some reason it's not detecting Java despite...
by Apricot3
12 Feb 2025 12:00
Forum: Skins
Topic: Told that Java is not found when trying to launch skin editor
Replies: 3
Views: 4271

Told that Java is not found when trying to launch skin editor

Java is installed and up to date but the skin editor won't pick it up. I get this prompt every time. If I select OK I get a brief progress bar and then nothing.

Java has not been found on your computer. Do you want to
download it?

Windows 11

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