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by Harald
05 Nov 2023 14:22
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC captures video but no audio
Replies: 5
Views: 532

Re: VLC captures video but no audio

Not sure how you ended up using an ALSA device name as a file name, since you didn't explain what you're doing. But that wouldn't have worked in any version. Hello Rémi, I opened the capture interface with ctrl+C, chose TV - analogue as the capture mode Device name: /dev/video2 since this gives me ...
by Harald
04 Nov 2023 09:44
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC captures video but no audio
Replies: 5
Views: 532

Re: VLC captures video but no audio

It should work the same as before. Thank you for replying, Remi, it does however not get me any further. Maybe you did not see my edit for the error I saw when trying the various audio channels. The MRL file that cannot be opened, is that the reason for the audio not being 'detected" and conse...
by Harald
01 Nov 2023 18:55
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC captures video but no audio
Replies: 5
Views: 532

Re: VLC captures video but no audio

Thanks Remy. I was of the same opinion. The application convinced me otherwise. I did however get this error: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'file:///home/harald/hw%3A1%2C0'
I assume that this is a temporary file, that never gets created.
by Harald
01 Nov 2023 17:25
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC captures video but no audio
Replies: 5
Views: 532

VLC captures video but no audio

Hi there, a new guy in this forum I hope I am respecting all the rules. Failing to do so,please tell me how to correct my behavior. My PC is running Ubuntu 22.04.3. 16GB Ram Ryzen7 VLC is installed through Synaptic and running in version 3.0.16. The capture device is Haupauge USB-live2. I am trying ...

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