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by inspiredearth
24 Jan 2023 01:59
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Media library folder selection on sdcard is dropped
Replies: 34
Views: 4755

Re: Media library folder selection on sdcard is dropped

I had the same problem with VLC 3.5.3. My music is on SD-Card.
-> drop the "Media library folder".
Now, I have downgrade to VLC 3.5.1 (via F-Droid)
-> doesn't drop the folder - at the first test.
Thanks for that info. I'll try that out.
by inspiredearth
12 Jan 2023 21:11
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Media library folder selection on sdcard is dropped
Replies: 34
Views: 4755

Re: Media library folder selection on sdcard is dropped

The detailed description bzr have describes exactly what I've also experienced. Thanks for spelling it out in search create term. I submitted my post via a mobile phone, and was reluctant to try and type out too much detail.
by inspiredearth
05 Jan 2023 23:00
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Media library folder selection on sdcard is dropped
Replies: 34
Views: 4755

Media library folder selection on sdcard is dropped

Hi there, I'm encounting an issue with the Media Library Preferences. The phone has an SD card. When I select folders on the SD card VLC finds the media files. But after VLC is closed and reopened, it no longer has those folders selected. This occurs every time (I.e., it's not a one off event). It o...

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