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by ears1991
28 Sep 2023 11:56
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: status bar going black during music playback - immersive mode?
Replies: 0
Views: 574

status bar going black during music playback - immersive mode?

when starting a track by pressing on the track name, the android status bar at the top goes black as if you were playing a video this doesn't happen in a few scenarios: pressing resume playback button at top of vlc, or the pop up notification to resume at the bottom on app launch starting playback v...
by ears1991
02 Aug 2023 09:12
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: suggestion: go to artist shortcut
Replies: 0
Views: 230

suggestion: go to artist shortcut

fairly common feature in music player apps, from the now playing screen it is useful to be able to quickly get to navigate to the currently playing artist, usually either from a "go to artist" menu shortcut, or by clicking on the artist name in the now playing screen. same is often present...
by ears1991
17 Nov 2022 17:59
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: music, 10s skip functionality when paused
Replies: 1
Views: 194

music, 10s skip functionality when paused

when music is paused, pressing 10s skip button has no apparent effect on progress time/bar until you unpause. also pressing multiple times results in only a single skip. video: ... share_link
by ears1991
11 Oct 2022 15:05
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Album art resizes every time opening now playing window when opened from track listing of an album
Replies: 3
Views: 199

Re: Album art resizes every time opening now playing window when opened from track listing of an album

I am not sure I understand your issue. Could you please provide a screencast of it? You can share your file with the sharing service you prefer (Google Drive, Dropbox, pastebin...). here you go: opened the player 3 t...
by ears1991
11 Oct 2022 09:24
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Auto rescan delays display of library by 1-2s if app closed on audio tab
Replies: 1
Views: 186

Auto rescan delays display of library by 1-2s if app closed on audio tab

Auto rescan delays display of library by a 1-2s if the app was closed on the "audio" tab. This doesn't happen if you close the app on a differnet tab, so seems like something that would be easy to fix. steps: enable auto rescan select audio tab close app through app switcher open app obser...
by ears1991
11 Oct 2022 09:20
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Album art resizes every time opening now playing window when opened from track listing of an album
Replies: 3
Views: 199

Album art resizes every time opening now playing window when opened from track listing of an album

Play music, browse into an album, e.g. from albums menu, or via genres/artists and then enter an album
click on the now playing bar at the bottom,
album art appears at full screen width then resizes with some padding.
doesn't happen if initiated from other parts of the app

pixel6pro a13

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