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by emcodem
21 Jan 2023 17:07
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Playing local files with the VLC Web Plugin
Replies: 9
Views: 15103

Re: Playing local files with the VLC Web Plugin

@ralbright Yeah got it to work (with some limitations) and no it is not easy to play non supported file formats in a browser in general. In my case, i start vlc on the server that serves the webpage, encode to mpeg1 transport stream, rewrap with ffmpeg in order to avoid choppiness and send the outpu...
by emcodem
15 Sep 2022 11:05
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Perform action when certain timestamp is reached
Replies: 4
Views: 4746

Re: Perform action when certain timestamp is reached

Or just ask for help with your script here, including your code and a description of the problem you face :D
by emcodem
20 Jul 2022 17:15
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Windows .bat script using Curl with the HTTP password possible?
Replies: 4
Views: 3902

Re: Windows .bat script using Curl with the HTTP password possible?

No need to write the status to a file and read that in extra steps, you could just use findstr:

Code: Select all

curl -u ":vlc" http://localhost:8001/requests/status.xml | findstr "<state>playing"
after that, %ERRORLEVEL% is 0 if state is playing or 1 if state is different.
by emcodem
20 Jul 2022 17:00
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Streaming from AWS S3 and Cloudfront
Replies: 1
Views: 2505

Re: Streaming from AWS S3 and Cloudfront

I am not aware about any working embedding option that works at this very moment, similar discussion here:
Altough i am not sure if the vlc.js they speak about will ever come to life in the form that it currently is.
by emcodem
20 Jul 2022 16:56
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: how to make an Ajax call?
Replies: 1
Views: 2499

Re: how to make an Ajax call?

$.ajax implies that you want to do that in a browser, most likely from a different webserver than vlc's builtin one. That again means that your problem is CORS. VLC webserver does not allow CORS because the responses of the builtin webserver do not include the "access-control" headers for ...
by emcodem
20 Jul 2022 16:48
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Perform action when certain timestamp is reached
Replies: 4
Views: 4746

Re: Perform action when certain timestamp is reached

You can for example start vlc with -I http and periodically check status.xml if the time you are looking for has passed.
by emcodem
20 Jul 2022 16:44
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Streaming a specific video track from a file containing multiple video streams
Replies: 1
Views: 1435

Re: Streaming a specific video track from a file containing multiple video streams

You didnt mention which kind of file it is. If it is a transport stream you might get away with the --program= option. If not, i believe vlc just cannot do what you want currently, so you'd have to rewrap your file to .ts before doing what you like. But if you do that, you could just use ffmpeg and ...
by emcodem
19 Jul 2022 09:46
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Windows .bat script using Curl with the HTTP password possible?
Replies: 4
Views: 3902

Re: Windows .bat script using Curl with the HTTP password possible?

When vlc commandline is started with http-pass only but not username: -I http --http-host --http-port 8001, --http-pass vlc curl.exe -u ":vlc" http://localhost:8001/requests/status.xml if you want a username too, use curl option -u "username:passwd" Alternatively you co...
by emcodem
09 Jul 2022 02:27
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: http interface - Change selected audio track
Replies: 2
Views: 6125

Re: http interface - Change selected audio track

Small update, i changed the strategy and dropped the udp output for forcing realtime but instead i do spawn ffmpeg paralell to vlc and pipe the vlc output via stdin to ffmpeg. ffmpeg does a codec copy and -re for forcing realtime output. This seems to work a lot more stable than vlc directly streami...
by emcodem
05 Jul 2022 12:25
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: http interface - Change selected audio track
Replies: 2
Views: 6125

http interface - Change selected audio track

Dears, sorry that i am totally new here and directly post my first question, i hope this is not offending to anyone. Using VLC latest release I am spawning vlc from nodejs and configure it to send "what it plays" to stdout (which is forwarded to a jsmpeg webplayer). This all seem...

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