a 10+ year-old algorithmically impossible question It’s not algorithmically impossible, it’s just not generalizable to all video formats. As evidenced by the fact that several other video players have this functionality and that the developer in this thread ultimately admitted that the issue is tha...
Doesn't each frame in some common media formats have some sort of identifier or time stamp? So that even if jumping to a specific time a few seconds back is not very accurate, if from that point you stepped forward frame by frame you would (in those media) know when you arrived at the N-1 or N frame...
Don't most users experience having the "Jump to Specific Time" button usually not greyed out? If that feature is supported for a given video format, then won't the method I described also be? (Since it would depend simply on the ability to jump back to a specific time a couple seconds earl...
Maybe I'm misunderstanding (or maybe you mistook my comment for someone else's) but I don't believe the proposal I described above depends on using leftover previous pictures. The idea was essentially to jump back a few seconds then scrub forward to the N-1 frame (like what most users are currently ...
Maybe VLC could have a bimodal response in order to provide the previous frame feature. If it can jump back a few seconds, great, problem solved. In the scenarios where it can't...
Any thoughts on my comment above? After reading through everyone's comments, I believe it addresses everything.
I think one of the breakdowns in this conversation is that many users are coming here with their experiences that represent typical use, but Remi as a developer has to keep in mind all the atypical uses, no matter how uncommon they are. This is, after all, what sets VLC apart from all the other play...