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by aman151294
03 Feb 2023 16:56
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: VLC not able to listen to Live Stream(happening intermittently)
Replies: 2
Views: 2809

VLC not able to listen to Live Stream(happening intermittently)

I am using VLC to listen to a HTTPS Stream and then transcode and restream it. VLC is not able to listen to this stream and its happening intermittently. The VLC stream being listened to is generated by the below mentioned VLC command: vlc.exe --vlm-conf "C:\Program Files\App\AppData\vlc\Data\s...
by aman151294
21 Aug 2022 01:55
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: VLC Stops listening to HTTPS Stream
Replies: 2
Views: 1500

Re: VLC Stops listening to HTTPS Stream

But in the server side which is recording the screen, the vlc process is still active and producing the stream. And when you say special exit item, what does it mean?
by aman151294
19 Aug 2022 18:30
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: VLC Stops listening to HTTPS Stream
Replies: 2
Views: 1500

VLC Stops listening to HTTPS Stream

I am using VLC to listen to a HTTPS Stream and then transcode and restream it. VLC stops listening to this stream in between and calls the vlc quit method. The VLC stream being listened to is generated by the below mentioned VLC command: vlc.exe --vlm-conf "C:\Program Files\App\AppData\vlc\Data...
by aman151294
15 Mar 2022 20:46
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Fine tuning VLC instance as server and client.
Replies: 1
Views: 930

Fine tuning VLC instance as server and client.

We are using VLC(3.0.14) for client and VLC(3.0.12) for server. The command used as the client side is: vlc.exe --vlm-conf "C:\Program Files\App\AppData\vlc\Data\settings\vlcrc" --no-plugins-cache --config "C:\Program Files\App\AppData\vlc\Data\settings\vlcrc" --intf dummy --verb...
by aman151294
15 Mar 2022 16:53
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Screen width and height being cut while using dummy interface
Replies: 0
Views: 712

Screen width and height being cut while using dummy interface

I have used dummy interface to perform screen recording on my laptop running windows 10 with screen resolution set to 1920*1080 resolution and scaled to 125%(recommended). It takes the wrong resolution as suggested in logs as 1536*864 while recording hence the screen cut. The same if we do using qt ...

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