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by Tonylea99
28 Feb 2022 14:43
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Firestick update. Can't log into home network anymore
Replies: 6
Views: 1115

Re: Firestick update. Can't log into home network anymore

I just tried again and was successful BUT I had to click blindly as even though I would click enter after the highlighted "save password" , the cancel/save buttons did not highlight but I could here a click. After multiple blind attempts (no visible highlight to know what I was choosing). ...
by Tonylea99
27 Feb 2022 14:03
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Firestick update. Can't log into home network anymore
Replies: 6
Views: 1115

Firestick update. Can't log into home network anymore

Hello My Firestick VLC up must have updated and asked me to give credentials to access my home network to access files from another device. I can enter the name of the network and the password but when I get to the final screen, I cannot finish. It lets me get to the orange "save password"...

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