I want to check if a video is running and have a response like TRUE so if it is FALSE I kill the pid of vlc and restart the playlist in loop. thanks
I have a vlc running in raspberry with a playlist 24/24 hours. How can I check if it is playing a video? sometimes there is the pid but it is not running a video. thanks
Hi, I try to set the crop function cvlc -f --crop=16:9 --video-filter=croppadd{cropbottom=0,cropright=0,croptop=0,cropleft=0} /home/pi/Desktop/video/MSC-00001.mp4 --sub-source logo --logo-file /home/pi/Desktop/logo/plogo-tv.png --logo-position 10 --no-osd but it doesn't appear. but if I click ALT + ...
Hi, I try to set the logo in the GUI interface and set bottom-right. So next I try to launch vlc from command line... a simple cvlc -f video.mp4 now if I do ALT+C and ALT+F the logo appear. I try to search what I do so ALT + C = Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video ALT + F = Crop one pixel fr...
I try to reset vlc config vlc --reset-config and play cvlc --sub-source logo --logo-x 10 --logo-y 10 --logo-file /home/pi/Desktop/logo/logo-tv.png --logo-opacity 200 /home/pi/Desktop/video/MSC-00021.mp4 ... if I press ALT+C key combinations the logo appear on the top left but I try to fullscreen cvl...
Hi, it is the default vlc downloaded from raspberry:
Raspberry Pi OS with desktop and recommended software
Release date: January 28th 2022
System: 32-bit
Kernel version: 5.10
Debian version: 11 (bullseye)
without any modification. So I can try to uninstall vlc and install?
Hi, I have the same problem with my raspberry pi3 b+ with latest os. this is the code cvlc --fullscreen --no-osd --loop --file-caching=10000 --sub-source logo --logo-position 10 --logo-file /home/pi/Desktop/logo/logo-tv.png /home/pi/Desktop/php/scala.m3u but I have this error VLC media player 3.0.16...