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by DiscoRay
02 Feb 2022 11:45
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: VLC Android 3.4.3 - All thumbnails the same
Replies: 6
Views: 5812

Re: VLC Android 3.4.3 - All thumbnails the same
Every folder shows this image for every video. This image is of the show I once watched on the USB.
Can't see a way to upload my own screenshot, but can confirm it's the exact same issue as posted above that I have as well.
by DiscoRay
21 Jan 2022 17:07
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: VLC Android 3.4.3 - All thumbnails the same
Replies: 6
Views: 5812

VLC Android 3.4.3 - All thumbnails the same

Hello, I run VLC Android version 3.4.3 on an Nvidia shield 2019 PRO. When browsing through my media library, all videos have the exact same preview thumbnail, when they should all have different ones. Ditto for picture files as well, it's like the app pulls the first video and picture thumbnail it c...

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