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by CableCutterSolutions
20 Jan 2022 21:27
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Between sound and video delay is increasing with time
Replies: 1
Views: 5778

Re: Between sound and video delay is increasing with time

Is there a global setting to adjust the delay so it stays the same for all streams? I've tried to adjust it with the audio delay in the player but even though you click do this for all videos it's only saves it for the channel you are on.
by CableCutterSolutions
20 Jan 2022 21:24
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: IPTV Player Can't Locate File
Replies: 0
Views: 2941

IPTV Player Can't Locate File

So recently on a couple of my firesticks I have VLC running and when I try to play an on demand file it gives me a "can't locate the file" error. The internal player plays the file just fine. Any idea on why VLC wouldn't be able to locate the file?

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