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by metatech
23 Nov 2021 09:52
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: One specific M2TS file stops playing since 3.0.7
Replies: 8
Views: 7175

Re: One specific M2TS file stops playing since 3.0.7

I edited the movie to start at that point on my Panasonic Blu-Ray recorder. IMO this tool has done a bad cutting because the first I-frame is located at 00:00:00.880 and not at the beginning of the stream, hence the errors. If the tool allows it, make sure to always cut and start on an I-frame Actu...
by metatech
22 Nov 2021 12:02
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: One specific M2TS file stops playing since 3.0.7
Replies: 8
Views: 7175

Re: One specific M2TS file stops playing since 3.0.7

probably missing 225e0bc09b847167433d49a591b25a8da4e7655f Thanks for pointing this commit I downloaded VLC 4.0 nightly build, and the video plays without problem. Before VLC 4.0 final is published, I will stick...
by metatech
21 Nov 2021 12:02
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: One specific M2TS file stops playing since 3.0.7
Replies: 8
Views: 7175

Re: One specific M2TS file stops playing since 3.0.7

Thanks for your fast reply. Here is a longer version ( ) Unfortunately, I do not have more frames at the beginning, because I edited the movie to start at that point on my Panasonic Blu-Ray recorder. Hope it helps. Re...
by metatech
20 Nov 2021 21:14
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: One specific M2TS file stops playing since 3.0.7
Replies: 8
Views: 7175

One specific M2TS file stops playing since 3.0.7

Hello, I use VLC to play .M2TS recorded on my Panasonic Blu-Ray recorder. Usually all files are playable without problems, and it works great. I found one video which freezes on the first picture when playing since version 3.0.7. With 3.0.6, the video could be played. The original video is about one...

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