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by sulepy11111
27 May 2021 17:37
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC 3.0.14 on MacOS v11 - Now playing does not show up in Menu Bar (top left)
Replies: 3
Views: 852

Re: VLC 3.0.14 on MacOS v11 - Now playing does not show up in Menu Bar (top left)

We don't support that yet on the Touch Bar. I'll fix that for a future update.

What about menu bar on top left?

Thanks for the support..
by sulepy11111
25 May 2021 14:29
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC 3.0.14 on MacOS v11 - Now playing does not show up in Menu Bar (top left)
Replies: 3
Views: 852

VLC 3.0.14 on MacOS v11 - Now playing does not show up in Menu Bar (top left)

When play something using VLC on my Mac, I don't see Now playing in Menu Bar (top left). But I can see Now Playing when I play song by iTunes. I can play/pause VLC using media key on touchbar though. I have given VLC permission to 'control your computer' under Settings > Security & Privacy > Pri...

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