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by DvX77
12 Apr 2021 18:01
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Numbers replacing actual file names
Replies: 9
Views: 9717

VLC on Firestick 4k filenames changing to numbers after playback

VLC 3.3.4 running on Firestick 4K. I have video files on a drive plugged into my router that I access through uPnP. For an example, let’s say I have a video series, that is in a folder with the series’ name, and within that, there is a folder for each season. Episodes are named: “
by DvX77
12 Apr 2021 16:53
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Accessing UPnP server on my iphone
Replies: 11
Views: 13012

Re: Accessing UPnP server on my iphone

Hi, signed up to add my experience with uPnP here. I have an iphone 11pro and ipad 6 both running iOS 14.2. My Asus router has a USB port and uPnP and samba functionality. I have some video files on a USB drive and can access them on most devices through uPnP. Running VLC 3.2.13 on the iPhone, I see...

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