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by testerman
03 Jan 2021 06:52
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: VLC Android Auto - Tracks list shows spinner only
Replies: 4
Views: 1242

Re: VLC Android Auto - Tracks list shows spinner only

RStone, Here is a clip from the log file. I could not find the TransactionTooLargeException but the Failed Binder string is shown below. I hope this helps. D. 01-02 12:15:23.025 W/ViewRootImpl(13552): Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x...
by testerman
02 Jan 2021 08:56
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: VLC Android Auto - Tracks list shows spinner only
Replies: 4
Views: 1242

Re: VLC Android Auto - Tracks list shows spinner only

RStone Hello and Happy New Year. Good Riddance to 2020. I am running on Version 3.3.2. While my device is older, is is still very good. So, okay I am on a rooted (Magisk) OnePlus 1. That's right this thing is on Marshmallow and is nearly 8 years old. Best phone I ever had. Better than my new Note10....
by testerman
31 Dec 2020 19:02
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: VLC Android Auto - Tracks list shows spinner only
Replies: 4
Views: 1242

VLC Android Auto - Tracks list shows spinner only

Greetings, VLC for Android is a godsend since the selection of music players for Android Auto is dominated by the Big Data guys who all want to sell you something. I will be contributing to this project. My issue is with selecting the Track List. Doing this on the phone directly brings up the list a...

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