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by surajit.barman
13 Mar 2022 23:03
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: ReplayGain not working on Android but works on Windows
Replies: 0
Views: 229

ReplayGain not working on Android but works on Windows

I use Foobar2000 (Scan per file track gain) to set ReplayGain on MP4 files. On VLC for Windows it works, but doesn't work on VLC for Android.
by surajit.barman
23 Nov 2020 23:05
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: New "Goom effect" to disable the Goom logo
Replies: 0
Views: 669

New "Goom effect" to disable the Goom logo

I like the Goom visualization but really don't like the huge Goom logo. Is it possible to add a new settings (Audio->Settings->Visualizations->Goom) to disable the Goom logo from appearing? Looks like there's a way to disable the Goom logo. Please see below: /* Define if you like the wacky GOOM logo...

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