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by jmon12
16 Oct 2020 12:20
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: [Extension] subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles
Replies: 57
Views: 81672

Re: [Extension] subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

OK I finally understood how to make it work with VLC4, see this post . I updated the corresponding thread: . Your extension finally beco...
by jmon12
16 Oct 2020 12:16
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Display 2 subtitles simultaneously already in VLC 4.0?
Replies: 4
Views: 56033

Re: Display 2 subtitles simultaneously already in VLC 4.0?

OK I finally found a way to make it work with VLC4, see that post . The key information is that ctrl + shift + v switches between the primary and secondary subtitles control. Here are some "instructions" t...
by jmon12
14 Oct 2020 14:46
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: [Extension] subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles
Replies: 57
Views: 81672

Re: [Extension] subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Thank you for your quick answer. I didn't extensively visit the UI of VLC 4, but didn't find a way to add the second subtitles track. And didn't find anyone who succeeded on the internet neither. I'll search further. If you succeed in making it work on Windows, please let me know. Yes it is possible...
by jmon12
13 Oct 2020 18:51
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Display 2 subtitles simultaneously already in VLC 4.0?
Replies: 4
Views: 56033

Re: Display 2 subtitles simultaneously already in VLC 4.0?

I couldn't find more than the setting to set the position of the second subtitles: last one in "Subtitles / OSD settings". I couldn't find anyway to actually choose secondary subtitles files. With some desperate hope, I tried to have one in the directory of the movie file so that it's auto...
by jmon12
13 Oct 2020 18:31
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: [Extension] subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles
Replies: 57
Views: 81672

Re: [Extension] subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

First of all thank you for your very useful extension! VLC 4 is supposed to have this feature, but I compiled it from source and didn't find a way to make it work. See this post / and the corresponding feature request
by jmon12
11 Oct 2020 23:20
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Display 2 subtitles simultaneously already in VLC 4.0?
Replies: 4
Views: 56033

Re: Display 2 subtitles simultaneously already in VLC 4.0?

de9ec19c483 refers to a git commit. Looking at the git history, it seems to be an update of the news. And for our concern (the double subtitles feature), it seems to mention it in the 'NEWS' file: * Add support for dual subtitles selection (via the player) I currently have troubles to compile VLC fr...

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