In fact I just found out that there's a videoCropGeometry property in the VLCMediaPlayer class which takes a string as an input.
I've used it with a string at format WxH+X+Y and it does the job.
Hello, I have compiled the SimplePlayer example from VLCKit for tvOS and I'm able to run it on my Apple TV. Now I want to try cropping that video, so I modified the call to the VLCMediaPlayer constructor this way: mediaPlayer = VLCMediaPlayer(options: ["-vvv", "--video-filter=croppadd...
Hello, I'm running some tests in an environment where I have a system that grabs a video stream over a proprietary protocol and delivers it to players over HTTP. The way this works, as far as I understand, is that the proprietary protocol has frame retransmission capabilities, so that it always trie...
Hello, I've been able to reproduce this once again, and this time I was capturing the stream with snaplen set to 0, which allowed me to properly reconstruct the TS dump from my pcap capture. The TS dump is available here: The associated logs are visible here: https://past...
Hello, I don't think I can dump the stream from the app on Apple TV, but I made this tcpdump capture of the HTTP session, available here: Let me know if this works for you, or if I need to proceed in a different way for the dump. Associated logs from libVLC are available ...
Hello, I am working on a VLCKit based Apple TV app which opens a live video stream over HTTP (not HLS). I am however posting here in libVLC category as I don't think this is specifically about VLCKit but more related to libVLC, in fact. In most cases, I start the app, it opens the HTTP stream, and f...
Hello, I am messing with a very basic test app for Apple TV that uses VLCKit. It has a single view that shows a VLC-based player in fullscreen, so very much similar to the SimplePlayback example from VLCKit. I need to know when the player stops (because the video ends, for example). I have therefore...