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by bossesand
12 Oct 2024 00:47
Forum: Coffee Corner
Topic: FFmpeg 7.1 "Péter" is released (September 30, 2024)
Replies: 3
Views: 10438

Re: FFmpeg 7.1 "Péter" is released (September 30, 2024)

This question is not in the correct place but I cannot find a relevant fora to ask Can any one assist I want Encode AAC for Ambisonics in AAC to support playback on a web page. I cannot get ffmpeg 7.0.2 to encode 9 11 12 or 16 channels AAC. It recognises a 12 channel wav file as 7.1.4 but refuses to...
by bossesand
06 Nov 2020 12:03
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Wacthing and listening to 360 video with Ambisonics
Replies: 4
Views: 2424

Re: Wacthing and listening to 360 video with Ambisonics

I have created an open HW + source code  for a headtracker that broadcasts OSC messages over a local wifi network. Is there a plugin or interface in VLC 3 that can support a headtracker for viewpoint change on a stationary computers running windows or OS...
by bossesand
03 Sep 2020 09:21
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Possibility to control rotation of Ambisonics by OSC
Replies: 0
Views: 491

Possibility to control rotation of Ambisonics by OSC

As VLC supports 16 channel third order Ambisonics and Sofa files I see a opportunity to create headtracked binaural listening in a simple way. That is to add the feature to control the listening direction with a simple headtracker that sends osc messages over wifi to the VLC player. I suggest the OS...
by bossesand
22 Jul 2020 10:45
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Ambisonics and VLC
Replies: 9
Views: 4669

Re: Ambisonics and VLC

I found your postings and want to ask a few related questions and possibly suggest something. I have been slowly working with web based ambisonics players as examples at For compressed third order ambisonics I have tested opus and aac Opus is not supported on Apple products. The only co...

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