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by ctgriffi
25 Jun 2020 19:47
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcoding RTSP to MJPEG and Streaming Locally
Replies: 2
Views: 2140

Re: Transcoding RTSP to MJPEG and Streaming Locally

Still can't get VLC to work correctly in Mac Terminal. I've searched around online and tried assigning various options and multiple different interfaces to my CLI string, with no luck. It seems like VLC tries to access a Main Video Window and always fails. Error message in Terminal: failed to load w...
by ctgriffi
25 Jun 2020 01:52
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcoding RTSP to MJPEG and Streaming Locally
Replies: 2
Views: 2140

Transcoding RTSP to MJPEG and Streaming Locally

Hello, new to the forum and looking for a little help with the following, please and thank you: I'm trying to use VLC on my Mac to transcode an RTSP stream from a (you guessed it!) IP camera system, and I'd like to end up with a stable MJPEG stream over HTTP on my local network. I have made many, ma...

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