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by poutounours
05 Jun 2020 17:30
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Automating VLC for 24/7 live stream
Replies: 0
Views: 4849

Automating VLC for 24/7 live stream

Hi, I try to use VLC streaming (sout) feature to make a "tv like" permanent live stream based on video files as input. I am looking for a software product able to control VLC (http or another interface) based on a pre made programmation describing what file must play at which time. I was l...
by poutounours
05 Jun 2020 11:33
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Control running vlc/cvlc instance via http interface using either wget or curl from a script
Replies: 4
Views: 31266

Re: Control running vlc/cvlc instance via http interface using either wget or curl from a script


I am trying to achieve "tv channel like" automation for VLC, so i think it is nearly the same thing as you are.
I would be glad to help if i can.


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