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by hidinginthebushes
18 Feb 2020 12:23
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Managing volume levels on Sierra 10.12.6 and VLC v3.0.8 Vetinari
Replies: 1
Views: 600

Re: Managing volume levels on Sierra 10.12.6 and VLC v3.0.8 Vetinari

I fixed it

I had to tick the "Volume Normaliser" or "Dynamic Range Compression" box in the Filter tab to enable those changes.

Volume normaliser sort of fixed my problem, but killed the dynamic range so things didn't sound right

DRC worked, but I just need to do some tuning
by hidinginthebushes
18 Feb 2020 11:50
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Managing volume levels on Sierra 10.12.6 and VLC v3.0.8 Vetinari
Replies: 1
Views: 600

Managing volume levels on Sierra 10.12.6 and VLC v3.0.8 Vetinari

I have a playlist of music videos and there's 2 videos that are much quieter than the rest I've tried doing the Volume Normalising method where I: - go to preferences, then show all, then audio, then filters - go to Volume Normalizer - set "Number of audio buffers" to 10 and "Maximal ...

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