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by karthikrangasai
25 Feb 2020 14:17
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Isuue occuring when running make command
Replies: 2
Views: 292

Re: Isuue occuring when running make command

Sorry, I forgot to delete this thread. Some libraries that were required to build VLC4.0.0-dev weren't available for ubuntu16.04. Hence, I'm running the same on a VirtualBox that is flashed with ubuntu18.04. And that solved the issue.
by karthikrangasai
25 Feb 2020 14:13
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: New to contributing to VLC
Replies: 2
Views: 10901

Re: New to contributing to VLC

Thank you. I shall do the same
by karthikrangasai
23 Feb 2020 08:33
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: New to contributing to VLC
Replies: 2
Views: 10901

New to contributing to VLC

Hello all, I'm Karthik and I'm new to VLC development and I thought I'd start with one of the Mini Projects. I chose to go with the Video Filters but the link pointing to the commercial products' examples is redirecting a 404 error page in that website. My doubt is that whether work in that section ...
by karthikrangasai
12 Feb 2020 15:49
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Isuue occuring when running make command
Replies: 2
Views: 292

Isuue occuring when running make command

Hello all, I'm trying to compile VLC and I've been stuck at this place where it says Makefile:1894: recipe for target 'src/libmedialibrary_la-Media.lo' failed . [url][/url] is the pastebin link to the entire output of the make command. How do I overcome this issue and pr...

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