Without --demux h264 in the current VLC or --demux=h26x in 4.0.0 I can't drag files from the browser index page into VLC and this is the only way for me play such files. I would like to be able to play all or multiple files in a folder from a browser but neither VLC or the camera software permits th... is an example, so that one can play multiple or all files from a folder accessed over wifi.
Dragging a file from a browser index page into VLC works but open such a folder or multiple files from it doesn't.
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000097670793.html?gps-id=pcStoreJustForYou&scm=1007.23125.137358.0&scm_id=1007.23125.137358.0&scm-url=1007.23125.137358.0&pvid=8807b6a0-4646-42ae-b743-02c844f95322&spm=a2g0o.store_home.smartJustForYou_447595384.0 Aliexpress evolycam pro store Wire...
Thanks for that, I can drag and drop one file from the sdcard via a browser page into VLC like in topic 133143 above, but I can't select multiple files in a browser page, cntrl-A selects the whole page including file sizes and dates.
I am trying without success to open a folder to view all the motion-detected files stored on the sdcard of a security camera. I have the latest win10 and vlc. The camera does not appear to have an ftp server and I haven't found a way of seeing it in a windows network but I can connect in a browser. ...