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by tab
07 Nov 2019 17:16
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: playlist script, add options without rewriting path
Replies: 2
Views: 1117

Re: playlist script, add options without rewriting path

I've got "--no-lua" is global. Problem is that VLC enters probe() and parse() functions twice because my script doesn't change path (basically does item.path = "http://".. vlc.path). Question is how to deal with it. In other words, how to dynamically change playback options of pl...
by tab
04 Nov 2019 13:37
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: playlist script, add options without rewriting path
Replies: 2
Views: 1117

playlist script, add options without rewriting path

I want to add option (namely, demux) without changing url. But, as path is not changed, script entered for second time and, in the end, it doesn't work (though, somehow no infinite loop happen). I need a way to tell vlc, that rewriting is final and no consecutive playlist script runs should happen. ...

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