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by Connor 1963
13 Oct 2019 17:30
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: VLC 3.2.1 for IOS - Creating Folders/Filetransfer into Folders/ Playlists Sequencing
Replies: 15
Views: 18449

VLC 3.2.1 for IOS - Creating Folders/Filetransfer into Folders/ Playlists Sequencing

Hi all, I´m using the VLC Version mentioned above on my I-Pad (IOS 13.2.1) I feel that the last Update made using the VLC a whole lot more complicated. Before the update, I used to transfer video files from my Win PC to my I-Pad (via I-Tunes). Therefore all files were listed in the VLC App. After th...

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