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by johngrussell
18 Oct 2019 18:33
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Can VLC combine separate video clips in one video
Replies: 2
Views: 559

Can VLC combine separate video clips in one video

Hi, I used to use MPEG Streamclip but it is not compatible with OS Catalina. It had a Batch List window were you could drag in numerous video clips, think football game with 100 separate plays, and it would combine into one video while also downsampling etc. It was an awesome thing to use. I can't s...
by johngrussell
09 Oct 2019 17:15
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Combining video clips into one
Replies: 0
Views: 183

Combining video clips into one

Hi, been using MPEG Streamclip for years but since updating to Catalina, it does not work anymore, too bad. I was rec. VLC and I'm trying to figure out how to combine many video clips (think football game) into one video. Is that possible? I can't seem to figure ou how. Any help would be appreciated...

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