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by vinu
08 Jan 2020 07:25
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: 360° Playback Problem
Replies: 14
Views: 8152

Re: 360° Playback Problem

Hi, im creating an iOS Application, where i have to play 360 video using VLCPlayer. I added VLC via pod, and played a 360 video locally. But VLC not being able to pan the video. VLC doesnt treat video as 360 video. Should i make many settings to play 360 video using VLC?
by vinu
17 Oct 2019 12:54
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: initWithStream - NSInputStream
Replies: 1
Views: 601

Re: initWithStream - NSInputStream

How can i use this method? what is the use case of this method?
by vinu
30 Aug 2019 08:01
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: VLC iOS H264 decoder.
Replies: 7
Views: 3778

Re: VLC iOS H264 decoder.

Hi, stream from USB means, i'm using a custom library to receive h264 packets from a USB device. Im getting the packets successfully on my iOS app. But couldnot found a native player to play it. Can i give the H264 packets to VLC directly to playback. I could not found an interface to add the H264 d...
by vinu
07 Aug 2019 06:38
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: VLC iOS H264 decoder.
Replies: 7
Views: 3778

Re: VLC iOS H264 decoder.

Hi, in iOS i have a requirement to play H264 stream from USB. I have received it properly on app side. But could-not found an interface in VLC to input the stream to the player. The available sources are, playing from file, ur, and stream. Does the stream support directly from input stream?

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