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by 754231
03 Aug 2019 11:23
Forum: Forum, Website and Artwork discussion
Topic: Can I upload images to the forum?
Replies: 1
Views: 2715

Can I upload images to the forum?

Third-party hosts delete images and increase privacy-exposure.
by 754231
03 Aug 2019 11:20
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Mouse-offset in the blu-ray menus
Replies: 1
Views: 385

Mouse-offset in the blu-ray menus

The two blu-rays I have available both suffer from cursor-offset, meaning that I can't select menu elements by hovering over them. screenshot (I have to veer to the left - "LANGUAGES" is selected) (I apparently can't add hyperlinks, embedding the image for t...

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