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by Marengsen
29 Jun 2019 09:28
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Flashing "Recording" option or anything that really shows you are now recording.
Replies: 0
Views: 275

Flashing "Recording" option or anything that really shows you are now recording.

Hi guys. Been searching for this answer everywhere, even trying other VLC related forums, but no answer so far. You see, we really like using VLC for a network camera streaming option, but to be honest the "Record" funtion is lacking some visuality. Like, when you press "Record",...
by Marengsen
29 Jun 2019 08:34
Forum: Skins
Topic: Help with "Record" button - or recording-in-your-face in general.
Replies: 0
Views: 1995

Help with "Record" button - or recording-in-your-face in general.

Hi guys. Been searching for this answer everywhere, even trying other VLC related forums, but no answer so far. You see, we really like using VLC for a network camera streaming option, but to be honest the "Record" funtion is lacking some visuality. Like, when you press "Record",...

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