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by Fanaticalquestions
21 Jun 2019 21:04
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Play video with VLC iOS ?
Replies: 0
Views: 282

Play video with VLC iOS ?

Please clarify: I have an iPad air 3. I intend to download VLC iOS app. Then I plan to purchase some type of lightning/bolt flashdrive. I would like to put DVDs in non converted format on the flash drive. Then plug the flash drive into iPad, and use VLC iOS app to play the non converted videos. Will...
by Fanaticalquestions
21 Jun 2019 21:00
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Playing DVD folder on VLC for iOS (iphone & ipad)
Replies: 3
Views: 5083

Re: Playing DVD folder on VLC for iOS (iphone & ipad)

Please clarify: I have an iPad air 3. I intend to download VLC iOS app. Then I plan to purchase some type of lightning/bolt flashdrive. I would like to put DVDs in non converted format on the flash drive. Then plug the flash drive into iPad, and use VLC iOS app to play the non converted videos. Will...

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