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by mekondelta
20 May 2020 12:07
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Showing an image (not album art) while playing an MP3 in a playlist
Replies: 3
Views: 518

Re: Showing an image (not album art) while playing an MP3 in a playlist

Try input-slave Thank you mederi! Looking through the internet, I can't see how I can get #EXTVLCOPT:input-slave=../images/pic.jpg to work. The example you've sent suggests creating a new MP4 from the MP3+image. Would you know...
by mekondelta
20 May 2020 10:40
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Showing an image (not album art) while playing an MP3 in a playlist
Replies: 3
Views: 518

Showing an image (not album art) while playing an MP3 in a playlist

Hi, I have an MP3 file that I want to play as part of a playlist of MP4 video files. As there's no video for the MP3, I'd like to use an image file to display only while the MP3 is playing. I can't find an EXTVLCOPT declaration to do this for me. I don't want/can't use album art for various reasons....
by mekondelta
12 Jul 2019 00:51
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: YouTube videos not working?
Replies: 1
Views: 845

YouTube videos not working?

Hi, within the last 24hrs I've stopped being able to play YouTube videos on the Mac client and the iOS client. All are up date and had been working. Anyone else having issues? I've tried using the 'watch' URL format and the '' formats. Both are broken for me...
by mekondelta
21 May 2019 22:32
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Playlist total length using start-time and stop-time
Replies: 1
Views: 622

Re: Playlist total length using start-time and stop-time

+1 for this. The duration column uses the full length of the media file but if you're only playing snippets using start-time and stop-time then the duration column is just plain wrong. I raised a bug for this but it was rejected:- If the sacred Duration col...
by mekondelta
19 May 2019 14:10
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Playlists with #EXTVLCOPT:start/stop-time don't show duration correctly
Replies: 2
Views: 2604

Re: Playlists with #EXTVLCOPT:start/stop-time don't show duration correctly

This is a bug. Open a ticket, please.
I raised a defect but it was rejected as apparently working as designed. I don't understand why.

I'm hoping to get some time into looking at whether I can write a plugin to solve this genuine issue.
by mekondelta
15 May 2019 23:45
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Starting YouTube videos at specific times in VLC
Replies: 2
Views: 749

Re: Starting YouTube videos at specific times in VLC

I downloaded the video using youtube-dl and then use the #EXTINF:start-time and stop-time to control which parts I play. Couldn't find another way...
by mekondelta
15 May 2019 23:42
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Playlists with #EXTVLCOPT:start/stop-time don't show duration correctly
Replies: 2
Views: 2604

Playlists with #EXTVLCOPT:start/stop-time don't show duration correctly

Hi, So I have many videos in my playlist with #EXTINF:1640,Some video lasting 3h but I'm only playing 27m20s worth #EXTVLCOPT:start-time=0 #EXTVLCOPT:stop-time=1640 ../media/fred.mp3 but when I look at the list in the main window I see the full length of fred.mp3, not 1640 seconds worth that I've pu...

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