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by wilecoyte
01 Mar 2019 01:43
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: How do I embed VLC with public RTSP address in website
Replies: 2
Views: 7072

Re: How do I embed VLC with public RTSP address in website

I had previously seen that page and attempted to embed the html as seen and when published I got a 404 error. It is very confusing what EXACTLY I am supposed to be html entering to get the livestream to play live on the website. Here are the exact codes I tried and did not work: 1) <embed type="...
by wilecoyte
23 Feb 2019 01:29
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: How do I embed VLC with public RTSP address in website
Replies: 2
Views: 7072

How do I embed VLC with public RTSP address in website

I have a website built with Sitebuilder (I can use HTML or cut and paste/drop and drag). I have a webcam with a live feed that I would like to embed into my website with the VLC player so that anyone can view it at anytime without my computer being on. I have the public rtsp address (i.e. rtsp://ipa...

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