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by StreamMonster
11 Mar 2019 20:07
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: RTMP playback with embedded captions causes freezing/timestamp conversion errors
Replies: 3
Views: 740

Re: RTMP playback with embedded captions causes freezing/timestamp conversion errors

Here's a sample of the log with some of the errors doing RTMP decode with CC in the elementary stream and "Track 1" showing in the Subtitles menu. Also, if you like I can send a RTMP stream to and endpoint of your choosing should you want to analyze it directly. If you need more logging, l...
by StreamMonster
22 Feb 2019 20:04
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: RTMP playback with embedded captions causes freezing/timestamp conversion errors
Replies: 3
Views: 740

RTMP playback with embedded captions causes freezing/timestamp conversion errors

Testing RTMP streaming appliances like AJA HELO & Matrox Monarch HDX. These devices allow encoding 608 ANC/708 closed captioning data into the H.264 elementary stream. Using a dedicated Wowza Streaming Engine server on a closed network with CC enabled on these devices, picture & sometimes au...

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