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by Gumoi
20 Feb 2019 22:25
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: replaygain with activex plugin for possible?
Replies: 3
Views: 1553

Re: replaygain with activex plugin for possible?

Hello, sorry for my first post, i would like to use the activex plugin under Windows 10 to play mp3 music in my program. Important to me is the support of replaygain, which is supported by VLC. is this possible with a plugin and how do i activate replaygain there? My development environment is visua...
by Gumoi
20 Feb 2019 19:38
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: replaygain with activex plugin for possible?
Replies: 3
Views: 1553

replaygain with activex plugin for possible?

i have searched the internet, but nothing found.
i am new with AxVLCPlugin and i use
is it possible to use the replaygain in the plugin?

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