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by Togijak
11 Feb 2019 22:00
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: What must a script look like
Replies: 8
Views: 3425

Re: What must a script look like

@thweiss thank you but if I use @echo off start "" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --no-video-deco --no-embedded-video --video-x=1 --video-y=1 --qt-start-minimized --no-video-title-show --zoom=0.5 "D:\Work 3\1.mp4" start "" "C:\Program Files\Video...
by Togijak
10 Feb 2019 15:48
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: What must a script look like
Replies: 8
Views: 3425

What must a script look like What must a script look like, so that the two windows (each 50% of the monitor) are displayed in synchronous playback of 2 videos. Sense of the question is that I want to create a GUI with AutoIt where the user only has to select the two films to be compared. MAGIX S...
by Togijak
04 Feb 2019 19:02
Forum: ​VLC for Windows Store​
Topic: how to open VLC with a defined window size
Replies: 4
Views: 4564

Re: how to open VLC with a defined window size


Thanks for the now clearly understandable (and friendlier) explanation and sorry for the wrong rubric
by Togijak
04 Feb 2019 08:23
Forum: ​VLC for Windows Store​
Topic: how to open VLC with a defined window size
Replies: 4
Views: 4564

Re: how to open VLC with a defined window size

  • If I had found a suitable setting, I would not have asked for the option
  • Sorry I have not classified it as an error and therefore did not post in troubleshooting
by Togijak
02 Feb 2019 20:20
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Desirable options for synchronized playback of 2 movies
Replies: 0
Views: 170

Desirable options for synchronized playback of 2 movies

If you edit videos with tools like proDat Meralli or Ashampoo Video Optimizer Pro etc. you cannot always be sure that you get what you want, which makes it imperative to check the results. After much searching / asking how to play two videos synchronously, I got the following hint
by Togijak
02 Feb 2019 08:05
Forum: ​VLC for Windows Store​
Topic: how to open VLC with a defined window size
Replies: 4
Views: 4564

how to open VLC with a defined window size

if you revise a video you want to compare the result with the original. After some searching / reading I found a tip how that would be possible with VLC my problem is, that the VLC window always opens maximized. Is there a way to open VLC with a defined window size?

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