This code will play your stream with LibVLCSharp as soon as gets merged and released Core.Initialize(); using (var libVLC = new LibVLC()) { var media = new Media(libVLC, "", Media.FromType.FromLocation); var...
Are you playing the item? we'll the only thing I am running is vlcControl1.Play("") so I assume it is running. When I run it the link is generated, but the generated item does not seem to start. If i run it again, with swapping the https:/...
So the LibVLC generates a .m3u8 link (line 153 in, if I copy that link to VLC it starts to play the twitch stream correctly in VLC.
I removed all but twitch.luac from <ProjectFolder>\Library\VideoLAN.LibVLC.Windows.3.0.6\build\x64\lua\playlist, and it gave the following result, but then nothing more happend. Seems like a small progress.
No, with vlc it works flawless. copied from the github issue report: "With vlc I can: - [x] Play a local .mp4 clip. - [x] I can play the 'vlcControl1.Play(""));` - [x] Play a livestream from example twit...
Could someone confirm if this is intended, bug or just missing information to how to test it? I want it integrated with my application, but if it is not serious enough to investigate i'll try another framework.
Hi, There is a similar post: however I believe my issue is different and don't want to mix help in the same thread. I have been using a library, Vlc.DotNet a libVLC wrapper for ...