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by ihatebrooms
01 Nov 2018 14:30
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC player 3.0.4 is no longer able to enter full screen after window is snapped to the corner (Win 10 build 1809)
Replies: 7
Views: 2843

Re: VLC player 3.0.4 is no longer able to enter full screen after window is snapped to the corner (Win 10 build 1809)

I"m having a very similar issue. I'm running 1809/3.0.4. I have VLC snapped to one side (1), and start toggling full screen. It goes through the following cycle if I keep toggling: 1) Snapped to the right side of the screen, covering up half the screen. 2) Mostly full screen, except the taskbar...

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