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by ericbardoux
08 Nov 2006 13:59
Forum: Coffee Corner
Topic: Anevia still exists?
Replies: 6
Views: 3251

Same experience, I've been trying to contact them for the past 3 months... sent about 10 emails.. tried calling, phone numbers seem to be disconnected.
Well, that's a pitty...
by ericbardoux
08 Nov 2006 12:50
Forum: Coffee Corner
Topic: Anevia still exists?
Replies: 6
Views: 3251

Yes they still exist. I saw one of them a few days ago...
Tiens marrant, un jansonnien PSI*. Je suis passé par là aussi ;) enfin, à mon époque reculée, c'était encore P' ;)
M. Dubois-Salmon officie toujours là-bas? ;)
by ericbardoux
08 Nov 2006 11:11
Forum: Coffee Corner
Topic: Anevia still exists?
Replies: 6
Views: 3251

Anevia still exists?

Hi all,
Does anyone know if the Anevia company still exists? It's been two times that i tried to contact them to install a video solution in the company i work for (wich is quite a big one), and nobody answered...


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