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by tollbooth1
05 Jan 2019 21:17
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Read Subtitles Aloud
Replies: 9
Views: 9992

Re: Read Subtitles Aloud

I found that embedded subtitles don't work. It appears you need to have a separate subtitle file, like .sub, and load that file in for it to read them. I'm not talking about hardcoded embedded subs, I mean that the sub file can be selected in the menu, but its inside the video file, not separate. Wo...
by tollbooth1
27 Sep 2018 19:28
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Read Subtitles Aloud
Replies: 9
Views: 9992

Re: Read Subtitles Aloud

I found another thing that causes the repeating loop effect. If the subtitle file contains html tags, like <i>...</i> for italics or likely any tag, the reader gets stuck in a loop and you have to stop the video and restart and find your place again and skip that part, or edit the srt file to remove...
by tollbooth1
27 Sep 2018 17:51
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Read Subtitles Aloud
Replies: 9
Views: 9992

Re: Read Subtitles Aloud

Ok, I'm just going to solve my problems and post them here for everyone else with issues to read... I found that my Win 10 audio actually did have two processes running with two different volume controls, so I was able to turn down the show volume and turn up the subtitle read volume. Not perfect, b...
by tollbooth1
27 Sep 2018 17:19
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Read Subtitles Aloud
Replies: 9
Views: 9992

Re: Read Subtitles Aloud

Ok, I figure out what the problem was, but I have another problem... The subtitles are being read aloud now, but I can't hear them over the volume of the show, but if I turn down the show volume the subtitle reading volume is turned down as well. I can disable the track audio and just hear the the s...
by tollbooth1
27 Sep 2018 05:11
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Read Subtitles Aloud
Replies: 9
Views: 9992

Re: Read Subtitles Aloud

I have ver 3, and set the Speech Synth setting under Video/OSD as mentioned above, but subtitles are not reading and I don't see any option to turn them on or off in subtitles or audio. I tried different English subtitles. I'm using SRTs. Am I missing something?

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