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by Nooclear
25 Jul 2018 07:54
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Excel VBA embeding and STARTTIME property
Replies: 3
Views: 2711

Re: Excel VBA embeding and STARTTIME property

How do i wirte it into VBA code.
by Nooclear
24 Jul 2018 15:31
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Excel VBA embeding and STARTTIME property
Replies: 3
Views: 2711

Excel VBA embeding and STARTTIME property

Hello i have a code what works, if i manually insert VLC player activeX object and rename it to VLCPlugin21. CAn you please advise how i can call this object and rename it with different name while keeping all playbakc methods functional. As well may be somebodey can advise how to set up STARTTIME f...

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