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by TheJjokerR
27 Jun 2018 20:06
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Select multiple audio tracks at once
Replies: 25
Views: 77216

Re: Select multiple audio tracks at once

You can play all tracks, but that's too fringe case to handle in the GUI. vlc --sout-all --sout #display Understandable! Thanks for the command though! I can make a shortcut out of this to drag the file onto. Here's the code for any incoming google searchers: Create a text-file with this as content...
by TheJjokerR
24 Jun 2018 01:50
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Can VLC tell me how much time I spend on it every day?
Replies: 4
Views: 700

Re: Can VLC tell me how much time I spend on it every day?

This sounds very doable, though only interesting for only a few people. Not really worth a new feature for everyone imo. This should be quite easily done in an extension though. I have no experience with VLC extensions, though I downloaded an example one and it's just a bunch of Lua files. You can w...
by TheJjokerR
24 Jun 2018 01:40
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Select multiple audio tracks at once
Replies: 25
Views: 77216

Select multiple audio tracks at once

Hey all, Until a while ago there was no reason to run multiple audio tracks at the same time in VLC player. I mean who would want to hear all the different language audio's on top of each other? Though recently there has been a screen-recording software by a major GFX card producer that allows to re...

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