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by grevenilvec75
21 Jun 2018 04:14
Forum: ​VLC for Windows Store​
Topic: VLC is showing videos (porn) that aren't in the folders it should be pulling from.
Replies: 5
Views: 3986

Re: VLC is showing videos (porn) that aren't in the folders it should be pulling from.

best I can tell, it isn't. When navigating to "videos" in the libraries section of file explorer, the only folders/files listed are the ones in D:\videos. Is there some other way to check ? for the record I uninstalled VLC already, but would be willing to give it another shot if this can b...
by grevenilvec75
18 Jun 2018 17:11
Forum: ​VLC for Windows Store​
Topic: VLC is showing videos (porn) that aren't in the folders it should be pulling from.
Replies: 5
Views: 3986

VLC is showing videos (porn) that aren't in the folders it should be pulling from.

The only folder listed to find videos in is D:\videos, I have porn in D:\Downloads\blah\ that is appearing in VLC. The porn folder is not part of the video library or anything.

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