So the music folder has a white checkmark on an bright orange checkbox.
All subfolders (0-9, A-Z, Various) have a white checkmark on a less bright orange checkbox.
So yes, it seems all folders where checked in Settings - Media library folders.
Hi, I have an issue with several 3.1.2 builds. Currently I'm on the one of April 10 ( The problem is that sometimes not all artists are displayed. Only artists from one specific directory are shown. However, when I go to pl...
I'm having similar issues with a large collection of albums: - songs is always empty - if I follow the path: Artists - Albums, for some artists no albums are displayed, or it takes a while for them to be displayed. When I swype down, VLC tries to refresh the list and they become visible after around...
I must say I also find this a strange and stupid decision Apparently you are noticing this issue for some time. A few months ago I had this issue and posed a question on the forum here: No reaction from VLC people, no sticky thread to explai...
Hi Naomi, are you on EMUI 8.0.0? (Settings - About phone) The Launch thing was added to EMUI 8.0.0 I think. Otherwise try some things mentioned in these links, they are for older versions of EMUI:
Hi Naomi, it can be frustrating indeed. The steps I took: 1) Open Settings (Apps - Settings) 2) In the search field on top, type "Launch", should give only one icon, click that 3) In the middle of the page, you should see "Launch" again mentioned, click that 4) Then you'll get a ...
Strange, now it works. I have re-installed VLC again (tried that before without succes), played with the settings a bit and now it locks and keeps playing. EDIT: it must be power consumption related. It was working earlier today because my phone was plugged in to laptop to charge and exchange data. ...
I don't think so: if I turn on the phone, VLC is there immediately and can resume playback.
And it is no happening with any other music program like Google Music, Spotify, ...
So I really think it is within VLC.
It would really be a shame, because VLC is the only program that is parsing my m3u playlists correct.
EMUI music player puts them in the wrong order
Google Music ignores m3u playlists
Tried several other programs, but no succes
Hi, like the title says, VLC 3.0.5 stops playing an MP3 a few seconds after the screen locks. When I press the lock button, screen lights up, stays locked and VLC starts playing again (for a few seconds) This way, VLC is useless as a music player for me. My phone is an Honor 9 with Android 8.0. I've...