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by bastri
02 Mar 2018 07:49
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Recording dash file gives only audio-file, no video
Replies: 3
Views: 1061

Re: Recording dash file gives only audio-file, no video

Thanks for the quick reply... but it didn't worked out for me. I increased the sout-mux-cahing in the gui and in the commandline to 100 000 but it didn't give a solution. Ultimately I used in firefox the flash video player to download the file, but then I have to download the whole file and not just...
by bastri
27 Feb 2018 17:23
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Recording dash file gives only audio-file, no video
Replies: 3
Views: 1061

Recording dash file gives only audio-file, no video

I tried de play a .mpd-file ( and this gives no problems but when I tried to record the video by the 'record-button'...There was created a mp4 file with only audio-files in it. The video isn't nowhere to be seen. T...

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