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by Novalis
09 Apr 2020 00:25
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Black subtitle in HDR movies
Replies: 21
Views: 48702

Re: Black subtitle in HDR movies

Guys it always easy to complain in the armchair...
but I must admit it is a killer. If you don't fix it the player is useless.
Also all bluray menus are affected too.
by Novalis
30 Sep 2019 13:01
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Can the VideoLan Project please explain how HDR is supposed to work in VLC?
Replies: 2
Views: 933

Can the VideoLan Project please explain how HDR is supposed to work in VLC?

I have the problem that I cannot get HDR content displayed properly on my setup. I have VLC 3.0.8 installed on Windows 10 1903 connected to a Phillips OLED TV from 2019, capable of doing all the HDR formats. I have HDR content in mkv files as well as on ripped UHD discs. VLC is playing all the conte...
by Novalis
16 Jun 2019 13:22
Forum: Skins
Topic: java not detected (win7 64bit)
Replies: 9
Views: 54053

Re: java not detected (win7 64bit)

Developers prefer to ignore the Java topic. Thank you damn Videolan for not being clear about this or providing any information. F nerds. Sometimes it helpes to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path where java is installed. Don't forget to update it after every Java update .... :( It is...
by Novalis
21 Jan 2019 22:05
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Videolan statement required: Java troubleshooting
Replies: 8
Views: 635

Re: Videolan statement required: Java troubleshooting

I would appreciate everything that helps making things easier and better as they are now. Even if this topic is going to help anyone in the end would be a step.
Finally and ideally it would only have to be moved over to the wiki.
So, yes.
by Novalis
21 Jan 2019 17:14
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Videolan statement required: Java troubleshooting
Replies: 8
Views: 635

Re: Videolan statement required: Java troubleshooting

32bits vs 64bits would be the obvious issue. Or Java 10 being used instead of Java 8 Well you see, here is the thing, no offense, but your answer shows in a way that you don't really care. Maybe for you 32bits vs 64bits would be the obvious issue, but for many it is not _obvious_ Even for me, who k...
by Novalis
05 Jan 2019 13:31
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Videolan statement required: Java troubleshooting
Replies: 8
Views: 635

Re: Videolan statement required: Java troubleshooting

Are you playing a bluray disk?
wasn't that clear from the beginning?
Does it matter?
Could you please elaborate on why the info on this topic seems to be top secret?

Thank you so much.
by Novalis
21 Dec 2018 13:37
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Videolan statement required: Java troubleshooting
Replies: 8
Views: 635

Videolan statement required: Java troubleshooting

Please could somebody at Videolan bother to comment on the "Java not found" error message. The common Problem for many users is that they have Java installed but VLC would not find it. As far as I know nobody at Videolan cares to clarify anything. All questions about this topic stay unansw...
by Novalis
20 Dec 2018 17:44
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC 3.0.3 does not read Blu-ray Menu although Java is installed
Replies: 4
Views: 20250

Re: VLC 3.0.3 does not read Blu-ray Menu although Java is installed

This is again such an annoying problem. Thank you damn Videolan for not being clear about this or providing any information. F nerds. Sometimes it helpes to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path where java is installed. Don't forget to update it after every Java update .... :( But I hav...
by Novalis
22 Feb 2018 20:08
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Blu-Ray Support
Replies: 323
Views: 860404

Re: Blu-Ray Support

Does anyone know if there is a way to access the bluray popup menu. If you press shift-M you'll go back to the main menu, but I found no option for the popup menu while playing the video.


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