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by XavierCodogni
24 Jan 2018 18:20
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: RTP/RTSP multicast streaming
Replies: 7
Views: 11180

Re: RTP/RTSP multicast streaming

Thank you for posting a link to the relevant documentation. I might not have been clear about the fact that VLC (2.1.6) is also used as the streaming server and works perfectly with the 2.1.5 client. My point was that "client_port" with multicast streams used to be acceptable from a server...
by XavierCodogni
24 Jan 2018 15:00
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: RTP/RTSP multicast streaming
Replies: 7
Views: 11180

RTP/RTSP multicast streaming

Hello, We are currently trying to stream a .mp4 video sample from our servers over RTSP using RTP with a multicast address (for some reasons, we cannot use a different setup). The fact is that getting the .sdp file is impossible using the 2.2.8 version, although this is achievable with the older 2.1...

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