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by orbitPI
08 Nov 2019 00:44
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: vlc could not read the file (bad file descriptor) error after being paused
Replies: 0
Views: 159

vlc could not read the file (bad file descriptor) error after being paused


I have a NAS that holds all the videos. If I pause over 15 min I get the error. I don't beleave I get the error if the videos are on the pc using vlc. At the moment I use a windows 10 32bit tablet to play the videos.
by orbitPI
31 Dec 2017 22:59
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: File Ratings Support?
Replies: 26
Views: 12531

Re: File Ratings Support?

I created an acct hear just to say I will be chainging from vlc to win media because it has rating option for my media collections..Other wies vlc is the best for play back of videos.

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