I have an mp4 video file that I have put a mask/blur onto via VLC.
How can I prevent this mask/blur being removed? I don't want the recipient
to be able to modify the video file .
I have a 10 minute recording and want to produce a 1 minute recording, but crop the top and bottom off.
I know how to produce the 1 minute clip but I want to cut off some of the sky at the top and road at the bottom, but how?
InTheWings, are you able to help me any further?
I've deleted VLC, redownloaded it and still the same, I have no idea what the problem is or how to solve it
Inthewings, from my original post is that what I'm doing and if it is, how do I record without using transcoding... what ever that is.
sorry if I'm sounding thick but I genuinely don't understand
InTheWings, thank you but sorry that's gone right over my head. No idea what a codec is or an iframe let alone how to do it.
Good you give me some guidance, I'm a total novice
I'm using version 2.2.6 umbrella and windows 8. I have a long mp4 video that I shortened using vlc record button, that is on the Advanced controls ribbon. When i play back this new shortened video, all I have is a black screen with a traffic cone in the middle. Could you help me out with suggestions...