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by amigo421
29 Mar 2018 12:14
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: stream (any) media from VLC to DLNA device
Replies: 0
Views: 697

stream (any) media from VLC to DLNA device

hi I have a SmartTVs in my local network and would like to forward a playback from my PC (Mint 18.3) to one of these DMRs (digital media renderer) I got an IP and port of these ones (in another software, seems vlc player doesn't have this functionality) but can't stream my mp4 (or any other PC media...
by amigo421
27 Mar 2018 17:10
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: scan local network for dlna-enabled devices (SmartTV)
Replies: 1
Views: 702

scan local network for dlna-enabled devices (SmartTV)

look for the functionality to 1. scan for available dlna-enabled devices (not software ones, but Tvs) to provide a user with a choice 2. forward current played stream to there. any idea or even directions to investigate would be appreciated. is this currently implemented in VLC Player ? if yes, coul...
by amigo421
18 Jul 2017 11:52
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: demux 2 or more programs from MPEG TS
Replies: 2
Views: 368

Re: demux 2 or more programs from MPEG TS

seems the lib vlc-qt already has high-level function to select desired program , just a setProgram by PID
so the topic is actual for a first question only:

how to enumerate available PIDs , extract PMT, from existing MPEG TS?
by amigo421
18 Jul 2017 10:41
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: demux 2 or more programs from MPEG TS
Replies: 2
Views: 368

demux 2 or more programs from MPEG TS

I'm retrieving the media from USB device and supply this to libvlc using callbacks-based media however the stream contains a few programs (or channels? which term is a correct? ) any example please how to: 1. enumerate available programs in the single TS (for user's choice) 2. split these for the UI...

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